Giulia Conte


Fitness Training Assessment

Congrats on making it this far! I am here to support every step of you, deepening into your fitness journey.

First time sessions will include a comprehensive fitness assessment with a focus on testing muscular strength, mobility and flexibility, and cardiovascular health--customized depending on client's prior experience.

  During intake we will also have the opportunity to discuss in greater detail the specific goals you want to achieve, & your current fitness routine.

From here we will determine the best program for you. 

Discounted rates available for any 3-6 month training packages following intake assessment. 

Please reach out directly for all other inquiries!

Click HERE to read what clients have to share about our time together.

DNA Based Fitness Coaching

Ever wonder what your genetics say about your fitness potentials? Through this program, you will have the opportunity to work with Giulia through a CLIA-certified lab to better understand your body's response to topics such as: weight loss ability, macro and micronutrient utilization (how your body metabolizes fat, protein and carbs), fat loss response to cardio, body composition response to strength training, caffeine metabolism, power and endurance potential, impulse control, injury risk, mental base, and more!

These results can be a game changer in better understanding how to reach your goals. 

After initial testing, there is the option to work with Giulia to curate a custom plan tailored to your results.

Please inquire direct about this new program!


Well-Fed Nutrition Assessment

If you have been exercising consistently and not getting to the results you desire, it could be time to dial in your macros. Together we will look at your current diet and better understand the importance of macronutrient ratios in reaching your goals. This is not a diet plan, but rather an assessment of your current nourishment routines and how they may be impacting your performance and well-being. I will give you suggestions based on where you are.

This is a wonderful option for endurance athletes, strength athletes, bodybuilders, or anyone new to fitness and nutrition. 

Includes a 30 minute intake session, a full week to 10 days of food logging with text support, and a 30-minute check-in assessment post logging week. 

Food as thy medicine!

Custom Yoga Session

Giulia is Certified 200H Yoga Instructor through the Kula Collective Immersion.

Book a one-on-one yoga session with Giulia:

Perfect for all levels. Includes a mobility assessment, breathwork,  and progression through several staple asanas you can incorporate into your training regime.

Concludes with a guided meditation.


Run Strong Strategy Session

Seeking to run your first or next 5k, 10k, or half-marathon and beyond? Together we will strategize a month-by-month plan for you to run well and strong. Includes 30 minute consult and custom designed 2-3 month training plan. 

Subsequent sessions may be recommended depending on goals and length of program design. 

May be included as an add-on to any fitness training, nutrition or yoga package. Should you seek race-day support, please inquire with Giulia direct regarding pace coaching options. 

Remote Training Program

NEW in January 2024 --

Giulia is now offering custom online training via her partnership with TrueCoach co. Fitness Platform.

Please inquire direct for this exciting new service. 

Yours in wellness 

xx Giulia

Online Special

Mention this website special, and receive $20 off your first session with me.