Giulia Conte


"I am so grateful to have found Giulia! She is a perfect fit for me as a personal trainer. She's very knowledgable, and also listens. She tailors the workout to my body specifically, and keeps me on target to my desires and goals. What I really love is her focus and attentiveness. From the beginning to the end of each workout it's ON! --She's watching my form and pushing me in the most perfect way. With Giulia, once your session starts, it's all about the workout. I trust her guidance. I feel so fabulous and strong in mind and body at the end of each session. We end with a high five--in sweat and smiles!"

~ Anna M. / Ashland, Oregon

"Giulia is a shining light and treasure to Ashland and our fitness community. I've been a member of various gyms for over 20 years yet lacked the ability to commit long term and overcome the pressure of the California gym vibe anxiety I would endure. I labeled myself a strictly outdoor hiking connoisseur with demand for extreme physical intensity. And an occasional binge gym member by night at best--primarily for the sauna. Until this last year.

Above and beyond a personal trainer and health coach, Giulia holds a unique ability in sharing an unpretentiousness and inspiration to her practice. This sweet, seemingly mild challenge zone she establishes with care and drive sparked the desire to commit myself. Over 6 months now, she never fails to give me the space and ability to listen and learn by body and tap into the power it holds.  Thank you for your guidance, you are a true inspiration Giulia."

  ~ Krista V. / Ashland, Oregon

"When I began working with Giulia, I was two years postpartum after a challenging birth that ended with a cesarian section. After the birth, I had further complications that severely restricted my ability to move my body. My stomach muscles became weak and I gained weight; this resulted in a succession of injuries, one of which was the ongoing misalignment of my hips. I relied on the assistance of a cane and sometimes crutches to walk. I accessed many types of clinical services including chiropractic and physical therapy. The services helped temporarily but did not correct the problem. 

Giulia created a plan with me to increase my mobility and strength. We strength-trained twice a week for six months. Her talent to challenge my body’s capability with sensitivity and care is unmatched. Giulia is strong in her coaching, in her body, heart, and spirit. With her support, I was able to retrain my body to walk with repetitive exercises and strength training. The exercises Giulia provided were dynamic and at times creatively altered to build my strength without strain. I was able to build muscle throughout my body, notably in my lower back and my core. I am proud to say that I can now deadlift 120 lbs. and squat 110 lbs. I held my first plank under Giulia’s coaching for about 5 seconds, now I can hold a plank for over a minute. I also have increased flexibility. I can walk in a straight line, I no longer need a cane to walk, and my hip is in alignment. Most importantly, I can pick up my son and hold him without pain. She was able to give me the care I needed to get my life back under control and I am forever grateful."

~Sarah C. / Ashland, Oregon


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Giulia Conte

(617) 960-7470

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