Giulia Conte

About Giulia

My passion for movement

began with endurance running.

What began as an after school activity quickly blossomed into a  soul calling. My favourite memory of my early running days are workouts in the town forest behind my high school, on the south shore of Boston.

It was my time to feel my body, notice my breath, releasing my day with the trees in the wind and the pound of my feet on the earth. I enjoyed pushing my edge in a space that felt so safe, quiet and familiar, leaf-covered, fresh and relieving. 

I set the goal to run D1 in college, and the summer of 2014 had me training early mornings, late evenings, on pavement, trails and grass, determined to make the team.

Between 2014-2016 I ran Cross Country and a partial track season at American University in Washington, DC. The training was a exalting commitment, and later became a heavy toll on body--leaving me with a fractured shin and heart at the end of 2015.

Outcome aside, my goal had been achieved, and my body desired a change;

a new rhythm of movement was calling--this time something gentler; 

something more attuned to the subtleties of the body as part of my healing.

I began to study yoga, and by 2017 was enrolled in a 200H immersion program to become a certified yoga instructor. I taught for years between my home-state of Massachusetts, my newer home of Oregon, and overseas at festivals in the UK.

Proper alignment and awareness of compensation patterns fascinated me and I continued to self-study, becoming increasingly intrigued with the human body, mind-matter phenomena, and spiritually-informed strength training. 

In 2021 I decided to enroll with the ISSA's Certified Personal Trainer Program, later adding on certifications in Nutrition Coaching, and most recently DNA-based Fitness Coaching--completing the only program offered of its nature.

I continue to explore and integrate earth-based spirituality-- my love for nature and the green world, with my deep passion for movement, fitness and well-being. My approach to training is founded on breath, awareness, and alignment--  blossoming revolutionary strength from stable, strong roots.

With a focus on mental tactics that will help one to feel more capable in the body overall, I aim to midwife a true triad between mind, body and spirit; strength, flexibility and grace.

Connect with me to learn more.