Giulia Conte


"Strengthen the mind; the body will follow".

Movement is my greatest passion and I am delighted at the opportunity to share it with you. 

Assisting connection to the body is my soul calling. I see cultivating awareness and understanding subtitles in physical training as an art, and a practice.

My coaching style starts with a focus on foundational awareness though the mind and into the body; I am a strong believer in the importance of building neural adaptations to allow progressive training to occur.

With dedicated effort and informed practice, you are bound to see and feel results.

If you're motivated to build physical, mental and spiritual strength, I am glad you've found me. Together we will set realistic goals and transform or up-level your fitness routine. I will be your guide into finding your best-balanced self. And I can help you enjoy the journey along the way. 

To get in touch with me, you can give me a call or text at (617) 960-7470.

You can also send me a message under Testimonials.

Thanks for visiting, and wishing you a wonderful

peaceful day!



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